The Miami-Erie Canal Corridor Association (MECCA) is a 501 (c)(3) organization created in 1996 to champion the cause of the historic Miami-Erie Canal corridor in Western Ohio.

MECCA is dedicated to raising awareness of the historical, educational, recreational and natural value of the canal greenway. The association also serves as a clearinghouse for canal related events and information. It is MECCA's goal to be the representative voice of canal associated partners to local, state and federal government officials.

Additional goals include garnering grassroots support for an enhanced canal, strengthening canal partnerships, and seeing the Miami-Erie Canal designated as both a State and National Heritage Corridor.

Lock 1 in New Bremen, Ohio c.1900
Lock 1 in New Bremen, Ohio c. 2020



Coordinating and representing the interests of the citizens, corporate community, and government agencies in Allen, Auglaize, Miami, Shelby and Van Wert Counties, while extending both north and south of the current corridor to include other interested entities


Working towards establishing a continuous physical link along or near the existing canal corridor.


Encouraging & assisting, when able, the development of compatible economic ventures throughout the canal corridor.


Develop strong working relationships with corridor partners to preserve and interpret the natural, recreational, and historical resources throughout the corridor.


Incorporate the needs and inititves of the local communities into the canal corridor pan through meetings with government and business leaders to enhance the quality of life along the corridor.


Promoting and developing educational program which interpret the natural, historical, and recreational resources along the canal corridor.
January 26, 2021
Committee Members Sought Our mission calls for us to preserve the Miami and Erie Canal as a viable resource? for the communities it touches. We are seeking volunteers to help in a number of areas, especially getting the word out about MECCA.The new season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions. Whether it’s eating right or cleaning out the garage, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions. MECCA is continuing to organize committees to help promote the MECCA mission. Most of the committee work can be done by phone, mail/email and on schedules established by the respective committee members themselves. Current committees include: Membership; Education; Fundraising & Budget; and Activities & Work Days. If your are interested in volunteering in any of these interesting and enjoyable committees, please contact us at; or drop us a line at: MECCA, 130 S. Washington St.; P.O. Box 246; New Bremen, Ohio; 45869-0246 Send us your Event Information If you know of any events along the Miami-Erie Canal Corridor Please email us at
January 26, 2021
Event by Heritage Trails Park District and Miami and Erie Canal Corridor Association. Start the New Year off right by participating in the 2021 Cabin Fever Hike Series! Bundle up the family for a winter hike along the Miami Erie Canal, any day you choose during the month of January. We invite you to begin at the Lockkeeper's House at 22 S. Water Street, New Bremen to enjoy the views of restored Lock #1 and read interpretive signage about the construction of the canal, as well as the lock's history.
January 26, 2021
Committee Members Sought Our mission calls for us to preserve the Miami and Erie Canal as a viable resource? for the communities it touches. We are seeking volunteers to help in a number of areas, especially getting the word out about MECCA.The new season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions. Whether it’s eating right or cleaning out the garage, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions. MECCA is continuing to organize committees to help promote the MECCA mission. Most of the committee work can be done by phone, mail/email and on schedules established by the respective committee members themselves. Current committees include: Membership; Education; Fundraising & Budget; and Activities & Work Days. If your are interested in volunteering in any of these interesting and enjoyable committees, please contact us at; or drop us a line at: MECCA, 130 S. Washington St.; P.O. Box 246; New Bremen, Ohio; 45869-0246 Send us your Event Information If you know of any events along the Miami-Erie Canal Corridor Please email us at
August 20, 2020
Event by Auglaize County Historical Society and Miami and Erie Canal Corridor Association. The Historical Society and Miami and Erie Canal Corridor Association present “The Story of Ohio’s Canals: An Engineering Endeavor that can Still be Traced in Ohio’s Landscape” with speaker Tom O'Grady.
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